Gkoenig's Blog

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install vlc on CentOS 5.4 (libdvdread.so.3 libcucul missing)

I wanted to use vlc as client for multimedia files, but ran into some dependency errors with libraries libdvdread.so.3 and libcucul.so.0.
Installation was initially started by

yum install vlc

but finished with errors, described above.

I wondered why the installation cannot find the libraries, since they are installed.

ll /usr/lib | grep libdvd*
ll /usr/lib | grep libcu*

showed me both libraries. I tried to manually set a symbolic link for libdvdread.so.3 (since there only was a link for xxx.so.4), but with no success.

The solution of this problem was to resolve the mixture of libraries installed from different repositories.
In this case the libdvdread from epel and rpmforge caused the confusion. You can check this (if both repositories are enabled) by

yum provides libdvdread

Both repositories offer a libdvdread, but completely different.
Therefore I performed the following steps to get a working vlc installation.

  • deinstall current libdvdread and libcucul

    yum erase libdvdread
    yum erase libcaca

  • cleanup yum

    yum clean all

  • install vlc and dependencies from rpmforge

    yum --disablerepo \* --enablerepo base,updates,rpmforge install vlc

finished….installed 25 packages.

Check again which repository provided the libdvdread, just to be sure 😉

yum list libdvdread

prints the following output (on my box)

Installed Packages
libdvdread.i386 0.9.7-1.el5.rf installed
Available Packages
libdvdread.i386 4.1.3-1.el5 epel

Besides this, it is a preferable method to use priorities in your yum repositorities in /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo files to avoid a confusion about different versions of files installed from different repositories.
Details about yum and priorities here

any comment highly appreciated….

4 responses to “install vlc on CentOS 5.4 (libdvdread.so.3 libcucul missing)

  1. patricklbs December 19, 2010 at 6:11 pm

    thank you for this post which helped me a lot, I search google for two days, thank you again, if it bothers you I will not have a tutorial in French on my site linking to your site.

    Thank you again.

  2. gkoenig December 20, 2010 at 6:17 am

    Hello Patrick,

    nice to hear that I could help you.
    Bother me ? No way 🙂 ….it would be great if you link your french site to my post.

    best regards…::GERD::…

  3. martyna April 18, 2011 at 3:24 am

    All would be fine but I get the following error:

    Transaction Check Error:
    file /usr/lib64/libavutil.so.50 from install of ffmpeg-0.6.1-1.el5.rf.x86_64 conflicts with file from package libavutil50-0.6.1-42_git20110322.el5.x86_64

    I already have mplayer and ffmpeg and all itd dependencies installed. All works fine except when I try to install vlc player.

  4. Joel May 17, 2012 at 6:44 pm

    Dear lord this was helpful, Thank you, I would’ve been going in circles if I hadn’t of found this. The irony is that I had to manually install an epel dependency (fribidi-devel) before the install would go.

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